I’m serious. This isn’t a game. In college we all looked out our windows on snowy days and decided if we wanted to roll over, or go to class (I saw a video of an MSU student cross country skiing to class on the Detroit News today. MSU never cancels class). Today, in our world of car payments, bills, and mortgages – you have to work. The issue I run into is there is something therapeutic about getting on your snow gear and throwing in your air pods and turning on your ghetto rap you can’t listen to anymore because of your 15 month old. All of my peeps in the Chicago burbs pushing those pathetic plastic things, pick your game up. You won’t regret it. Two years ago I went out and purchased a SnowTek 20” 2-stage self-propelled gas snow blower. It sounds tough, because it is bruh. Get some. I didn’t regret it. Today, I fucked up at least a foot of snow in the AM, and polished off another 4” of snow tonight for shits and giggles. Hey Mother Nature! If you think we are bitching about the weather in the north, we aren’t; it’s just another reason for me to skip a shower, skip my commute, beat your ass and then work from home; in the basement, drinking coffee, and making money so I can buy more goldfish crackers for my beautiful little girl. For the readers, there is no point to this article, but understand -- when you get older, and have kids, this is the stupid shit that can get a man amped up.
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