In the least shocking news of all time, social media has been overcome with a particular type post that is already irritating me. As just about everyone knows, it’s winter. And in the Midwest, winter is cold. On top of that, there’s been a week long build up of the anticipated low temps that were going to arrive in Chicago on January 30th. We’ve seen meteorologist predict anything from -50 to -64 wind chills leading up to today. Now, because of this modern day science we have for predicting the weather, it's provided everyone the opportunity to prepare. Prepare, you say? You know, grab the essentials: booze, toilet paper, snacks, who knows maybe a few extra trojans (you have to keep warm, you know). WRONG! It gave the social media masses ample time to prepare their epic weather app screenshots and thermometer emoji’s. Can you imagine? Becky probably spent all weekend adjusting the contrast on her apple weather screenshot to create the perfect filter. Chad and Brad have been prepping themselves for the totally radical and savage naked run they are going to do (with headbands on of course) to post it to their snap story with a live read of the temp so they can also share it on Facebook. (idk, can you share snaps on facebook? Whatever, you get the point. My feed is flooded with all the different weather app screenshots, all saying the same thing. It’s negative 20 degrees, and the feel-like temperature is negative 50. No shit, Sherlock, we’ve had 7 days notice that this was coming! In reality, the actual newsworthy nugget here is that the weatherman/woman actually got it right this time. This is what should be celebrated and plastered across your stories. A professional that literally gets paid to guess and is wrong more times than any other profession is allowed to be...saw this coming, and nailed it. Man, what a week for those guys, in the week leading up to the Super bowl, they actually had their own super bowl and blew old man winter out of the water, 56-0. So for the rest of you, cool it with your cold weather posts (see what I did there?), I don’t need you to post that is -20 out, I have my own app for that. Instead, my kudos go to the weather pros out there. This Bud’s for you. Sit back and enjoy it, you’ve earned it. Deal with it.
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