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iPhone, Android, Who gives a shi*

Writer: SmittySmitty

The memes are everywhere. For the most part, they’re entertaining but unless I’m missing something, it seems like a lame debate nowadays. I had multiple Android phones from 2010 to 2013. I was holding out from jumping on the iPhone bandwagon. I wasn’t going to sell out. Being a semi-techy dude, the hardware specs of the latest iPhones vs. the best Android flavors of the month were very close, and in most cases, even better on Android.

The Android OS was initially lagging iOS (first Android phone launched in October 2008 / first iPhone launched in June 2007) and there were some annoyances and bugs but the MAJOR one was obviously group texting. You’d think that’d be an easy feature for the geniuses at Google to develop but for some reason it took them awhile. Android users were forced to use WhatsApp and other messaging apps. That’s where a lot of the initial hatred from the iPhone loyalists began.

2014 rolls around and I find myself with a new company that offers me an iPhone. So here we go, I’m on-board. I’m thirsty and ready to pound some iPhone Kool-Aid. Out of the gate, I’m digging it. I feel cool. I can group text. The phone is small and sleek. Overall, just a simpler, smoother experience. My friends like me more. I’m group texting so hard. I finally have all the coolest apps. I’m crushing my phone life. I now clearly understand the iPhone/Android debate. It’s not just about the hardware. It’s all about the operating system experience and how it co-exists with it’s hardware.

Fast forward two years to 2016. I no longer work for that same company but I’m still rocking an iPhone. At this point, I’ve actually purchased a new one on my own dollar. The premium is worth it to me now. I’m not looking back to my peasant Android days. I’ve had good luck so far keeping my iPhone's intact without any damage. Then the summer of 2016 comes….

Incident 1 – Stumbling my way through the Gothic quarter of Barcelona late one night, the first major phone drop incident occurs. Screen is shattered.

It’s still usable. I get home and 100 bucks later I have a new screen.

Incident 2 - (3 weeks later) – Stumbling (once again) back to my hotel in Iceland (it’s 3AM but full daylight) the second major phone drop occurs. Screen is shattered again.

It’s still usable. I get home and 100 bucks later I have a new screen

Incident 3 – (2 weeks later) – While taking my morning constitutional, I attempt to set my phone down next to the sink. I misjudge the placement and the third major drop occurs. Screen is shattered once again.

I mentally prepare myself to make arrangements for another screen replacement. Then the Android ferry comes down from Android land and provides me with a free Galaxy S7 (actually, my wife’s dad works for a mobile phone provider and hooked me up). I was sick of paying to fix my screens so a free phone that was the latest/greatest Samsung phone at the time seemed like a solid route to take, at least temporarily.

2 ½ years later, I have now gone from the S7 to S8 to S9 to the Note9. Yes, they’ve all been free which does weigh into my decision. Ultimately though, the user experience with Android has caught up. Unless maybe Apple has developed something so amazing the past couple of years that I just don’t know about. Is TeleportTime available now? All the basic day to day features that most normal humans need are available to me. And I CAN GROUP TEXT NOW. So what if my message shows up green to you iPhoners. Green is a beautiful color. It definitely helps that I’ve been using the best Android devices available. There’s plenty out there that are garbage compared to the iPhone. And who knows, maybe if I switched back to the iPhone, it would feel like 2014 all over again.

Overall, I might lean a little towards iPhone if both were offered to me for free or at equal cost but the advantages seemed to have waned. This isn't a Pro/Anti iPhone vs. Android blog. This is a who cares blog. By all means, keep the memes coming though. It doesn't have to be true to be funny.



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